Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Well, I finally managed to do it. . . I got a flu shot. Hopefully this will help "Ebola Boy" get through the flu season. Funny moment: standing in a line of old people about 30 deep, the man in front of me is mumbling about the high prices of liquor nowadays as he lics his lips rather loudly while looking at a bottle of absolute citron. Then the lady behind me chimes in with, "you look like a healthy young man, what are you doing in this line." "Chronic fatigue syndrome" I whisper as if it's the plague. She responds rather loudly, "I see. I have Lupus. I picked it up from the birth control pill." As I look around to notice that everyone heard that proclamation, I give her my best Ace Ventura "Ahh (as in I see)" with raised eyebrows. Assuming that she's hooked a sympathetic ear, she proceeds to talk to me, or rather at me, for the next 15 minutes we're in line. It was too funny. She was a nice old gal.

I am a 29 year old geriatric.

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