Tuesday, October 22, 2002

I also picked up three albums today.

Jeff Buckley and Gary Lucas: "Songs to No One" = a disappointment on the whole, with a few moments of brilliance, and many moments of academic interest to any Buckley fan. Don't buy it unless you're a fan.

Foo Fighters: "One on One" = blistering opening track, then fades significantly after that and doesn't return. Where have all the hooks gone Mr. Grohl? Did you forget them when you discovered you could scream a chorus? This album is okay. I may change my mind after a few listens, but it didn't make me do the dance of joy that all three of the first albums did. I guess 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

Joshua Redman Quartet: "Moodswing" = Wow! This is a beauty of an album. Mehldau on Piano, Christian McBride on Bass and Brian Blade on drums. . . you can't ask for much more if it's the best of young talent that you are looking for. Redman's sax is evocative of so many great moods, and the backing band is stellar in their own right. Thanks to Wilfred for the tip on this gem. Go out and buy it.

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