Monday, July 12, 2004

"To think carbs make you fat is wrong. You're fat because you're not exercising. There are some nine million people in this country swimming, running, biking, regurlarly going to the gym, or doing whaever, and no one's been talking to them about their diet. Low-carb diets are exactly what you should NOT do if you're active. Carbs are the fuel that drives your life; suddenly everyone's forgotten this. If you're working out five days a week, you need a minimum 60 percent (daily caloric intake) of carbs a day. You can't just cut carbs--or cut protein or fat, for that matter---like every trendy diet has for the last 20 years. That's dysfunctional. You need them all. To simply blame a food type for us being fat is bullshit."


-----Chris Carmichael, coach to Lance Armstrong, from his new book "Food for Fitness"


Sarah said...

Woo-hoooo!!!!!!!!! (loud applause and whistles that could gather herds of cattle).

I'll second that Amen and take any volunteers who'd like to come with me and make fun of everyone buying C2 Coke.

Anonymous said...

amen amen amen amen amen amen

people always say "well, you're skinny, you can eat whatever you want" and i say "yeah right! how do you think i got this body and how do you think i keep it?"

all i'm sayn' is that i'm still eating my Wheaties