Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"At a time when religion so often seems to get in the way of God’s work, with its shopping mall sale pitch and its bumper sticker reductionism, I give thanks just for the sanity of Billy Graham—for that clear empathetic voice of his in that Southern accent. Part poet, part preacher. A singer of the human spirit, I’d say. Yeah, I give thanks for Billy Graham. Thank you, Billy Graham."

-----Bono, introduction to "Thank you Billy Graham" by Pat Boone.

Strange bedfellows indeed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

1. "OK Computer," Radiohead
2. "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back," Public Enemy
3. "Nevermind," Nirvana
4. "Slanted and Enchanted," Pavement
5. "The Queen Is Dead," Smiths
6. "Surfer Rosa," Pixies
7. "3 Feet High and Rising," De La Soul
8. "Sign 'O' the Times," Prince
9. "Rid of Me," PJ Harvey
10. "Straight Outta Compton," N.W.A

It's definitely a debatable list with some curious omissions. e.g. Where is the Joshua Tree? Where is London Calling? But you have to love the inclusion of Pavement, Prince and PJ Harvey. What's your take?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"Have you really been reading my books, and at this time ask me what have I lost of the old faith? Much have I rejected of the new, but I have never rejected anything I could keep, and have never turned to gather again what I had once cast away. With the faith itself to be found in the old Scottish manse I trust I have a true sympathy. With many of the forms gathered around that faith and supposed by the faithful to set forth and explain their faith, I have none. At a very early age I had begun to cast them from me; but all the time my faith in Jesus as the Son of the Father of men and the Saviour of us all, has been growing. If it were not for the fear of it's sounding unkind, I would say that if you had been a disciple of his instead of mine, you would not have mistaken me so much. Do not suppose that I believe in Jesus because it is said so-and-so in a book. I believe in him because he is himself the vision of him in that book, and I trust, his own living power in me, has enabled me to understand him, to look him in the face, as it were, and accept him as my Master and Saviour, in following whom I shall come to the rest of the Father's peace. The Bible is to me the most precious thing in the world, because it tells me his story; and what good men thought about him who knew him and accepted him. But the common theory of the inspiration of the words, instead of the breathing of God's truth into the hearts and souls of those who wrote it, and who then did their best with it, is degrading and evil; and they who hold it are in danger of worshipping the letter instead of living in the Spirit, of being idolaters of the Bible instead of disciples of Jesus...It is Jesus who is the Revelation of God, not the Bible; that is but a means to a mighty eternal end. The book is indeed sent us by God, but it nowhere claims to be his very word. If it were--and it would be no irreverence to say it--it would have been a good deal better written. Yet even its errors and blunders do not touch the truth, and are the merest trifles---dear as the little spot of earth on the whiteness of a snowdrop. Jesus alone is the Word of God"

-----George MacDonald, "Letter to an Unknown Lady" circa 1866

Saturday, June 11, 2005

tworedshoes called me out. she also calls me a number of other names, depending on the situation. . .and she'd probably like to club me with a large book.

Number of books I own:
too many. embarrassed. shameful face.

Last purchased book:
I can't remember the last time I purchased one for myself. The library rocks.

Last re-read:
The Hungering Dark, Frederick Buechner

Five books for a deserted island:
Bible, A River Runs Through It, Walden, The Brothers Karamazov, Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics

Book I'd use to thwack someone on the head:
My vintage 1941 2nd Edition Webster's Dictionary. To see the dust fly after that 40lb thing nails your head would give me great pleasure.

Book I'd like to burn:
Anathema. The Nazi's burn books. Bring em all on.

Book that is overrated:
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Get over yourselves.

Fun classics (you had to ask!):

Last book read:
Amusing Ourselves to Death

Five people I tag to answer these and take a photo of their bookcase:
Let it die with me.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

No Earthly Good-----Johnny Cash

Come hear me good brothers come here one and all
Don't brag about standing or you'll surely fall
You're shinin' your light yes and shine if you should
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good you are no earthly good
You're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good
You're shinin' your light yes and shine if you should
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good

Come here me good sisters you're salt of the earth
If your salt isn't salted then what is it worth
You could give someone a cool drink if you would
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good you are no earthly good
You're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good
You could give someone a cool drink if you would
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good

If you're holdin' heaven then spread it around
There are hungry hands reaching up here from the ground
Move over and share the high ground where you stood
So heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good you are no earthly good
You're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good
Move over and share the high ground where you stood
So heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good...