Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'll be reading through "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" by John Climacus, a 7th Century Eastern monk, for Lent this year. What follows for the next month will consist of a collection of quotations that I like from the work. Feel free to leave comments or add quotations of your own.

"It is risky to swim in one's clothes. A slave of passion should not dabble in theology."

"Anyone trained in chastity should give himself no credit for any achievements.... When nature is overcome it should be admitted that this is due to Him Who is above nature.... The man who decides to struggle against his flesh and to overcome it by his own efforts is fighting in vain.... Admit your incapacity.... What have you got that you did not receive as a gift either from God or as a result of the help and prayers of others?.... It is sheer lunacy to imagine that one has deserved the gifts of God."

-----John Climacus, "The Ladder of Divine Ascent"

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