Thursday, June 07, 2007

"Knowing God rightly, in, through, and as Jesus Christ, believers can confidently 'seek the things that are above' (3:1). Knowing the good news of salvation (indicative mode), believers are to live a life clothed with love (imperative mode; 3:14). The command follows the proclamation of the good news as a consequence and never as a condition. This order is not reversible. Reverse it, and the gospel is turned into a new law."

-----Andrew Purves, from his brief commentary on Colossians in the "Spiritual Formation Bible"


Anonymous said...

*golf clap*

purves would be a good example of why i would, given the scenario JJS set up a bit back, have less of a problem with the PCUSA than any broadly Evangelical tradition. you guys still have enough of a confessional template to be able to say something so wonderful. i do believe you also have the weighty likes of hughes oliphant oldes when it comes to worship issues. he's another ecclesial treasure in this regard, if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

...oops, i think his surname is olde...


Christopher said...

oliphant? Isn't that how Tolkien says "elephant"? Maybe we should put that on wikipedia. ;)

I figured you'd like this quote, given our conversations around the nature of the Christian life and the more seminal law vs. gospel issues.

The indicative/imperative discussion is helpful, particularly in the light of the letter to the Colossians.

Anonymous said...

i know i am predictable (what else would you expect from what i would hope to be a good presbyterian?), but i will see your adjective "helpful" and raise you an "essential."

good presbies don't shirk from good natured gambling, you know.
