Sunday, October 30, 2005

I saw George Clooney's new film Good Night, and Good Luck today. Fantastic film. It's a wonderful retelling of Edward R. Murrow's showdown with Senator McCarthy in the 50's. The parallels to our present political/media situation are timely, but more significantly, the film showcases some of Murrow's prescience regarding the variously banal uses of televised media. It's like a combination of "All The President's Men" crossed with "The Insider". . . .and perhaps a little "Amusing Ourselves To Death" thrown in for good measure. Get off your computer and go see it!


Anonymous said...

See, I was totally disappointed with this film. Beautifully shot, sparsely acted and cut. Terribly told.
No builds in suspense, no careers ruined, drama never felt energized.
Ending came without warning, or deneumont (-2 sp.)
I wanted to love this picture, I did not.
Clooney gonna be great filmmaker, just not with this one.

From Austin, TX

Rick "Pappy" Perkins
playing Pappy O'Daniel in hit touring show
"A Ride With Bob" the Bob Wills story, and will soon star in musical drama about the life and times of the great Texas Governor
Pappy O'Daniel. "PAPPY !"

Christopher said...

Hey Rick, thanks for stopping by, and for the comment. I can't disagree more about the movie. I loved it. I thought it had a really compelling narrative thread and I was on the edge of my seat. The movie does assume you know what's on the line and who Murrow is fighting, but I don't see that as a flaw. We all know who McCarthy was and what hysteria he created throughout the country. Anyway, good luck playing Pappy O'Daniel. Is that the same Pappy who was characterized in the Coen Brother's "O Brother Where Art Thou?"