Sunday, October 21, 2007

It's reading week here at Princeton. For some that means it's Fall break. For me it means sitting in the library doing exegetical work on 1 Thessalonians 4:4. I'm looking at the Greek word "skeuos" (skoo-Os), which can mean alternately: vessel, body, member, or wife. It sounds boring right? Well, I'm loving it. You'd think, oh tedium, but I spent six hours in the library reading a bunch of Greek and looking at commentaries yesterday and I didn't even realize that it was time to go until the librarian kicked me out. I love this life.

Here's a photo of Jack and I walking along the river behind our apartment.

p.s. Old man winter is just around the corner. I can feel him in my bones.....


micah said...

Nice. I hope to be in grad school myself next fall.

Christopher said...

Really? Do tell. What changes my friend?