Wednesday, March 21, 2007

“We would rather be ruined than changed. We would rather die in our dread than climb the cross of the moment and let our illusions die.”

-----W.H. Auden


Gabriel Guy Cate said...

Hi Chris,

I came across your blog in a rather circuitous way. I am a huge Radiohead fan. My g-mail account knows this (scary) and provided a link to your article about OK Computer, which is fantastic. I then Googled your name and found your blog. I have read a few postings and I really like your style. I hope to post more in the future.

The W.H. Auden quote strikes a chord with me. It seems that we spend our adolescence (and longer sometimes) trying to figure out "who we are" - as if determining this will be the penultimate life accomplishment. Perhaps that is why we find it so hard as adults to change. So hard, that we would rather waste away in our own condition simply because it is our condition. It’s as if we’ve spent all our mental energy getting to a place and we have no fuel left for the struggle to change, to redefine, to make our lives better for ourselves.

Certainly, not everyone is like this – and surely most will deny being so if the position were brought to the fore. But it’s quotes like this that energize me and make me want to remember that life is worth the energy.

Anyway, my two cents …

micah said...

Oh my goodness, I was just going to comment and say the same thing: my gmail directed me to your Radiohead article (although I have no idea why!), which I appreciated very much because I think that that, as a musical statment, and Koyaanisqatsi, as a filmic statement, portray in very powerful form what the current state of Fallen man is like. And your article resonated with that to a very high degree.

Also, I'm a fellow Westmont grad. What year did you graduate? Me, '98. And I saw you had a philosophy degree; I've come to have a fanatical interest in philosophy since being in college.

Love all your quotes; Chesterton, Lewis, Tolkien, et al are demigods. I'll have to add this to my blogroll.

Sarah said...

Hear, hear. And as for me and MY illusions, just remember: I'm married to you.

Christopher said...

Wow, I leave town for a few days and all of the sudden I get comments. Thank you all for chiming in. I'm glad the Auden quote, and the Radiohead article, resonated. I'm curious about the gmail link, can you lead me to it? I have no idea how it got there.

I was at Westmont from '92-'98 and studied RS and Philosophy (I believe I was 8 units shy of a double major).

Micah, I tried to link to your page, but it's restricted. Send me your blog address.


Christopher said...

correct, 92-95

micah said...

I'm at