Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Being, belief and reason are pure relations, which cannot be dealt with absolutely, and are not things but pure scholastic concepts, signs for understanding, not for worshipping, aids to awaken our attention, not to fetter it."

"Every philosophy consists of certain and uncertain knowledge, of idealism and realism, of sensuousness and deductions. Why should only the uncertain be called belief? "

-----Johann Georg Hamann, from "Kleeblatt Hellenistischer Briefe"


johnk said...

I'm sure this makes sense in German. He probably used a gigantic word with like 25 letters that can't be translated.

johnk said...

Wow!!! Impressive new look. Does the 17 up in the corner have any significance?

Anonymous said...

Wow I like the quotes, and the new look. Very cool!

Christopher said...

Thanks. I figured the quotations might be more meaningful with images of the person quoted. As for the 17, I hadn't even seen that before! I have no idea why it's there.