Monday, January 23, 2006

"All there is to thinking is seeing something noticeable which makes you see something you weren't noticing which makes you see something that isn't even visible."

-----Norman Maclean, from "A River Runs Through It"


johnk said...
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johnk said...

"A difference that makes no difference is no difference at all" etc. Perhaps a cow/farm reference would help?

Rebecca Snavely said...

Ahh.. synchronicity. I'm reading Ken Gire's "Windows of the Soul," and he quotes McLean's book - as it and the film was part of the motivation to move to Colorado. Gire writes about how "The heavens declare the glory of God," and that in seminary, it seems "there is a gap in the curriculum that there are courses teaching us how to translate the manuscripts of the Bible but none teaching us how to translate what naturalist John Muir referred to as 'the manuscripts of God.' We are taught how to parse verbs but not the seasons, how to do word studies but not how to trace the etymologies in Nature back to their origin."

Christopher said...

Never heard of that. I'll have to pick it up. I've been following your blog. Did the electricity ever come back on?

Rebecca Snavely said...

ahh... electricity. In my grid (caste) it is currently 1 hour on, 4 hours off. And that is AFTER people protested. I wonder how long my appreciation of consistent power will last when I return to the States?

Christopher said...

hang in there my friend. electricity's not all it's cracked up to be. although this computer thing is sometimes nice. write like your life depends on it.