Wednesday, September 22, 2004

"Are our churches and broadcasts and books and organizations merely creating religious consumers of religious products and programs? Are we creating a self-isolating, self-serving, self-perpetuating, self-centered subculture instead of a world-penetrating (like salt and light), world-serving (focused on 'the least and the lost,' those Jesus came to seek and save), world-transforming (like yeast in bread), God-centered (sharing God's love with the whole world) counterculture? If so, even if we proudly carry the name evangelical (which means 'having to do with the gospel'), we're not behaving as friends of the gospel, but rather as its betrayers. However unintentionally, we can neuter the very gospel we seek to live and proclaim..."

-----Tony Campolo & Brian McLaren, from "Adventures in Missing the Point: How the Culture-Controlled Church Neutered the Gospel"

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